MAXDOG here...

The lightning flashed!
The thunder roared
We were all quite shaken!....
Yes, last night we experienced our first of many summer thunderstorms. Here in Johannesburg, our thunderstorms can be very scary. There is usually lots and lots of lightning and cloudbursts of water. TOFFEE ends up wanting to chase anything that moves. The thunder seems to fuel his desire to protect us all.
But it was our first storm of the season and Mom and I went out onto the patio to watch the flashes, hear the crashes and listen to the rain pelting onto the tinned patio roof. Everytime it rains we always remember our exchange student from Germany, who spent a year with us and who also marvelled at the majesty of our thunderstorms.
Last night's storm was just as marvellous as always!

This morning our sky is grey and everything feels wet and smells clean!
I did my rounds, as usual.

The garden is starting to look nice. Our red "bottlebrush" bush is in full bloom. This means that the bees will be here soon and we need to watch out for their swarms. Mom is nervous about bees and always calls us dogs inside when they are swarming. But they are not around yet. Thank goodness.

Look at how beautifully shiny the leaves of the wild rhubard are
(after having such a big wash)!

I just love looking at it all with Mom and revelling in all the new life!
Up above my head, the weaver bird has not given up!!! Remember I told you that the female had pulled all his nests down? Well, he is now more determined than ever to produce this season's little nestlings, so he has resumed his natural duty of building profusely!

Yes, seasons come and seasons go!
We are looking forward to a great summer with lots of rain and lots of thunderstorms.

But today its a little on the chilly side, so I will lie low and catch up on my beauty sleep.
Lots of licks
Wait just a minute there, Max old LIKE thunderstorms?!? I used to just ignore them but in recent years, I've decided I need to be very close to Mommy when a storm rolls in, preferably in her lap. Fireworks, too.
Your pal,
What an impressive storm! Never a dull day, huh?
Sorry that you and some doggies are worried that you have sickies. I guess Max is not such an unusual name.
We are really sad because Max's momma has been keeping us posted ever since Max was diagnosed with bone cancer just a short while ago. They knew from day one that there was nothing they could do except keep him comfortable and know when it was time to let him go. Also, it always worries momma because she knows us big dogs don't last that long. But I feel fine!
I just found your blog and it is nice! I love the pictures! My dogs hate thunderstorms and my Springer will let me know it's coming before I do! I'm going to follow along! Thanks!
Hi Max
Hope you have a nice relaxing day. Tell your mom that our Mommy really likes the quilt in the back of your first picture.
Tucker and Daisy
Why would you need beauty sleep? You are quite the looker already!
Woos I like storms, they are fun to go out and play in, but Mom makes me come in for those thunderstorms, Scampi the weenie hides under things when it rains....
cool bird picture, Mom likes it!
Have a nice nap!
-Kira The Beawootiful
Hi Max! Excellent photos! We especially like the one with you sniffing the greens, very regal!! Hope your summer turns out as you wished for!!
Hi Max
We don't like thunderstorms but are glad you do!
We love seeing your part of the world about to burst into summer whilst we are looking out the warm clothing and the 'nights are drawing in'.
Just think if we did have a swap we could have either winter or summer for a whole year!
Martha & Bailey xxx
MAX! No worries. ROTE is Mango-speak. It means Running of the Errands which is one of most favorite things to do because it means I can ride around in the Mastiff Mobile.
Mad Max is a refernce to a movie that momma likes about some futuristic world where fresh water is the most prized commodity and there are really scary motercycle gangs.
Thank heavens Toffee is there to keep an eye on you all.
I am also afraid for thunderstorms
I go than sitting under the table if I am scary :(
Kareltje =^.^=
hey Max,
i'm not scared of thunderstorms but firecrackers scare me abit.
your garden is lovely and be careful of the bees
We have big storms here too... and smetimes we even have funnel clouds... yikes!
Hi Max - wow, your country is beautiful even when it's experiencing bad weather, we are seriously impressed! We're lucky that we're not (so far!) scared of thunder, but we don't think they're as bad in our country (thank goodness!) Your bottlebrush bush looks very pretty - we hope you don't get bothered too much by bess this year. Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
We are ok with thunderstorms as well - as long as we are indoors. I love the photo of you Max looking up...what a beautiful picture!
Oh Max, our thunderstorm season is winding down and yours is just starting up! I feel for ya, brother. You know they scare me bad!!!
We are scare of thunderstorms. Mom and dad love to watch the lighting.
Sam & June
Those are some pretty big thunderheads MAx! Bet there was a great lightening show with that but nothing beats the fresh smell after the rain.
We like watching the thunderstorms too - they must be beautiful where you are
great pics
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
We get very wild thunderstorms here, too. Stormy doesn't like them; the rest of us pups and Dad can take or leave them. Mom thrives on them and heads outside to take photos. Silly Mom!
Did your mom take that first photo? It's GORGEOUS!
I love that photo of you taking it all in! You're so handsome, Max!
Max - you are too cool! I can't believe that you are looking forward to all the summer thunder storms!!! Here in California, we very, very rarely get them, but about a month ago, we were awakened by some huge bumpers. Since I'm not used to them, I barked for the duration so that mom and dad wouldn't get harmed by those loud monsters. thanks for sharing the beauty of all your plants and birds!
Hugs xo
It sounds like the storm was cool to see. We are happy that you are getting summer cuz we are getting winter and we will be able to enjoy your garden when we have snow!
I hate thunderstorm too. that make me nervous and scared, and i can't get in to the hooman house.. but thank god, they will always be by my side.
I love your summer's photos. :-)
Oh Max - I loved this post! REally felt like I was experiencing the storm with you - and then walking around your garden afterwards all fresh and washed and green!
I'm like you - am not bothered about thunderstorms - we're having a few now actually (spring rains) and some of them are as dramatic as yours...but my human thinks they are very beautiful and exciting (just a bit dangerous if you have to drive in them!)
Honey the Great Dane
Beauty sleep is one thing you don't need, but a little nap now and then helps pass the time away! Our days are really short!
Riley and Star.
We love thunder storms here too Max although they're nothing as exciting as your storms I'm sure.
take care
What a glorious thunderstorm! I love them...Maddie hates them. She hides at the first sound of thunder. I wish you could share some of your bravery with her. Annabelle has has Tango...nothing helps!
Wow you have calistemons (bottlebrush) too, their native to our home Australia... and what you call wild rhubarb, we call an oyster plant (have no idea why)... how cute is your bird, and hes not giving up... good for him..
Love your storms, I find electrical storms energising and Chels and Shilo dont mind them one bit
Nice post of various stuffs fur us!
I hope woo napped and slept and slept and napped well!
Hi Max
That thunder could be scary than firecrackers huh? But your momma's pictures of those clouds sure are pretty. Lily runs like a crazy woman if that happens here
Benny & Lily
hi its me tweedles
i tried to leave a LOOOONG message and the computer delted it- and locked up on me. here i am back again.
i wanted to tell you thank you for all the beautiful photos you shared. i am afraid of thunder and bees too. So be careful. we wish we could print all your stories off and have the time to read them - so we could know you better. you have a beautiful blog
Hi, Max!
I bark at thunderstorms when they start and then... I just ignore them!
Rain is good for the plants and threes!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Max!
The picture of you looking plants is so cool!
I don´t like thunderstorms!
You are a very brave dog. Mack and I are terrified of storms. Well, we are not terrified, but I know Mack is more scared than I am.
Sally Ann
I don't like thunderstorms one bit! They scare me and Mitch isn't bothered by them at all!
We love seeing all of your pretty flowers!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
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